Youth Classes


We Specialize in Teaching Children


Not only is Shihan White know for his martial arts skills, he also know for his nearly 30 years of work with youth in the high-risk urban cities of Long Beach, Oakland, and Los Angeles, where he implemented gang prevention and intervention strategies through his "House of the Way," transforming the lives of youth and families. SanDoKai  provides a disciplined centered milieu of protective factors for youth based on the understanding that individuals operate within a complex network of social and environmental factors that impact their capacity to live healthy, successful lives.

Our Martial Arts Objectives

The objective of the SanDoKai Community is to create an environment where youth feel safe and respected; where it is safe to make mistakes; that allow the student to stretch to their fullest potential.

1.      To improve Attention Span and Confidence

Students are encouraged to discover their own inner gauge rather than looking to others for how they should behave and feel about themselves; they are constantly asked to check in with themselves to see if they are truly focusing and giving their best personal effort. The art of being your personal best builds a true inner confidence and a positive, strong self-identity that allows the student to experience fulfillment in all aspects of life.

2.     To help students cope with stress and fear

An essential of the art is learning to breathe, relax and flow instead of moving and training with tension and tightness. Our teachings include specific tools such as posture and breathing techniques.  By teaching good posture, breathing and relaxing throughout class, it becomes so ingrained in the student’s awareness making it natural and easy in everyday life whether it is physical, mental or emotional.

2.     To promote Interpersonal and Social Skills

Working with partners plays an important role in Karate training.  Not only do students learn about communicating their own needs, but they also learn through listening skills and sensitivity how to respond to others.  Instead of comparing and competing, SanDoKai students are encouraged to see their training partners as other human beings that deserve to be honored and respected. Because every person and situation is different and unpredictable, students learn to manage conflict and differences in the most appropriate manner.

4.   To improve Fitness and Coordination

A natural by product of martial arts training is strength, flexibility, balance and overall fitness. By also focusing on the breath, fluidity and body awareness, SandoKai students become not just athletes, but “movement artists.” Our method of body awareness training and coordination provides a solid foundation for all other sports and physical activity.

Our 12-Month Curriculum for Beginners and Intermediates students is designed to help youth begin their journey into the martial arts.  It teaches the students basic martial arts and self defense techniques including blocks, punches, kicks, and stances, and provides a foundation for self-search. 

Goal of the Dojo


To encourage and demonstrate a milieu where students are open to constructive critique and guidance in developing healthy physical and social life styles



1. Introduction


Dojo etiquette

2. Development

Martial Arts Etiquette

Traditional seated opening

Instruction in posture, attitude and breathing

History and Philosophy of Traditional Martial Arts

Communication and Relationships

Basic hygiene Explain course materials and expectations

       3. Classroom Practice

(a) Basic Training

Standing Form and Training in Basic Martial Arts Techniques        




Body Awareness

Basic Fighting Training Forms

Form One (Taikyouku Shodan)

Form Two – Five (Heian Shodan – Heian Godan

Controlled defense and offense techniques

(b) Single attack and defensive drills (Ippon Kumite)

(c) Three-time offensive and defensive (Sanbon Kumite)

(d) Sports Fighting

4. Independent Practices

5. Demonstrations and Evaluation of Personal Development

6. Promotions

7. Course Evaluation




Martial arts Uniforms




 Student Agreement and Parental / Guardian Consent


Class size restrictions


Class sizes will be set at 30 students per instructor, and divided by age groups—Junior (7-13), Youth (14-16), and Adult (17 and older).   Classes will be held every Saturday at 10AM to 12-PM each week.  Sessions will be for one hour.